Дістанційне навчання/distance learning/enseignement à distance 

Dear students of 411-a groups (1,2 dozen).

11 dec 2024 at 9-30 we will have lecture on TOPIC  «Traumatic brain injury (TBI)»   at the links below. 

link: https://meet.google.com/ohr-asei-qpx 

Then you independently prepare the topic "craniocerebral injury" -read the recommended literature - the book and pages are listed below

Read textbook «Neurosurgery for student» page 1-73, look picture page 207-217 (link on page - distance learning).


for off-line students - classes will be held at 26 Stepana Bandera Street, Allergology Building 7 of the City Hospital, entrance to the department from the inside of the building, 1 basement floor


You must know:

1.     classification, clinical picture, diagnosis , emergency care, treatment and prevention TBI.

2.     Combined and associated (multiple) TBI: specific features of clinical picture and diagnosis.

3.    Principles of emergency care of patient with open, combined, multiple TBI. Auxiliary methods of examination in case of TBI.

4.    Primary surgical treatment of penetrating and non-penetrating skull and brain wounds. Early and remote open, open penetrating TBI complications.

5.    Plastic surgery of skull bone defects.

Відпрацювання занять:

 -стоматологічний факультет надсилаємо відповіді на теми 1,2,3 завдань для медичного факультету на e-mail 603@dmu.edu.ua

           - медичний факультет надсилаємо відповіді на теми пропущених занять(1-10) завдань для медичного 

факультету на e-mail 603@dmu.edu.ua